Thursday, August 7, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Prostate Health Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

Sex After Prostate Cancer - How to Deal With the Frustrations of Additional Medical Complications

By Lori Wilk Platinum Quality Author

Just surviving Cancer or medical problems is something to be thankful for. Yet, most of us want to experience some sort of sexuality or sensuality in our lives. For many Cancer survivors, so much depends on what they've been through and what their body can handle. What happens when depression is a result of experiencing more medical complications? We're human.

If we are depressed, and remember, I'm not a doctor, we don't feel happy. If we're not happy and not excited we can impact our ability to have sexual experiences or other sensual positive experiences. If we feel badly, somehow, everything seems even worse. If one person is depressed, it has an effect on the partner and the relationship. The partner may feel helpless. If you don't feel excited and your partner isn't excited, tell me what's going to happen. Probably nothing.

How do we break away and make progress towards sex, at whatever level our bodies can provide, or sexuality with other experiences besides just intercourse that can make us happy or satisfied? If we're the partner of a person who is trying to cope with surviving Cancer and other medical complications, we have to take a step back and work on ourselves. Two miserable people is really miserable. Most people ask me what do I do and I do as much as I have to so that I make progress instead of fall behind. Sitting on the couch and just waiting for things to get better is something I do not do... I take actions.

Actions most me forward. One tiny little step every day and in a month's time, I've come a long way. I try to have some movement of my body that will feel good. It can be anything from taking a walk to get my blood flowing and my circulation going. Circulation is a good thing. I will stretch and try to add flexibility to my body. Flexibility is great for sex. Whenever sex will be.

I have to get out of the path of depression so I will do whatever it takes. Sometimes I can just soak in an aromatherapy hot bath. The water is comforting and the aromatherapy scents can be whatever mood I need to create from sensual, to love, to calmness, to energy. I can change my bath to fit what I need.

It is amazing that just when we thought we could do more together or make things better in the relations about sex, medical complications made the body uncooperative and we had to be more patient. I encourage you to laugh, listen to comedy or music, whatever you like. I encourage you to find any activities that can get you more ready for sex or sensuality from baths, to good feeling or smelling soaps, to massage oils, to exercise, or even going somewhere new.

Medical complications can interfere with your best of intentions, your mind, and your body, so take action to improve your possibilities. I'm glad you've been reading my articles and I hope I have offered some encouragement . We all have challenges.We're not alone.

Lori Wilk, MBA, is a Las Vegas Strip Performer, not a stripper. She makes daily humourous vacation ownership presentations on the Las Vegas Strip and would love to have you in the audience when you're in Las Vegas. If you enjoyed this article, syndicate her, add her to your web site, send an e-mail, or go to - c.2008 Lori Wilk. All rights reserved Worldwide. Reprint rights: You may reprint this article if you do not alter it in any way, give author name recognition, keep all links active, and follow ezine articles guidelines for publishers.

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